Monday, January 28, 2013

Lock/Unlock Computer With Pendrive

First, what is “syskey”?
SYSKEY is a utility that encrypts the hashed password information in a SAM database in a Windows system using a 128-bit encryption key.
SYSKEY was an optional feature added in Windows NT 4.0 SP3. It was meant to protect against offline password cracking attacks so that the SAM database would still be secure even if someone had a copy of it. However, in December 1999, a security team from Bind  View found a security hole in SYSKEY which indicates that a certain form of cryptanalytic attack is possible offline. A brute force attack then appeared to be possible.
Microsoft later collaborated with Bind View to issue a fix for the problem (dubbed the ‘Syskey Bug’) which appears to have been settled and SYSKEY has been pronounced secure enough to resist brute force attack.
According to Todd Sabin of the Bind View team RAZOR, the pre-RC3 versions of Windows 2000 were also affected.
So this is pretty cool, right?  Well, I really like the idea of keeping this on Floppy so that it requires a floppy disk (a sort of 2 factor (hardware/software) authentication?).
Naturally I wanted to go a bit further and use this on a USB drive instead of storing to a Floppy.  I can’t see myself carrying a floppy and a USB floppy drive around with me.  After all, this provides another layer of security.
NOTE:  I haven’t tested copying data from 1 USB to another USB to see if it works as a backup.  This way you could lock up a USB drive as a spare if needed.
Here’s how to get this to work using a USB drive.
1.  Insert your USB drive into your system and wait for it to be recognized and install any necessary drivers.
2.  Fire up disk management and re-assign the drive letter it was given to “A”.

Start up disk management by clicking Start and typing diskmgmt.msc

Right-click the USB drive and choose to assign driver letter or path.

Assign it to letter “A”

Accept the warning message

Now your USB drive is “A”

3.  Run Syskey and save encryption to USB Drive “A”

Click Start and type syskey followed by hitting Enter

Syskey launched; Click “Update”

Choose “Store Startup key on floppy disk” and click “OK”

You’ll be prompted to enter your diskette. Make sure your USB drive is inserted and writable.
4.  Reboot and have fun.  Don’t lose your USB disk!  Also, to revert this, you can run syskey again and choose to store it locally instead of “on a floppy disk”.

How to Hide a folder without any third party Software

Step 1 : Rename any folder with extension {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}
For eg,
If u’ve a folder with name “Anything”
press F2,
then type, “Anything.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}”
and Press Enter.
Step 2 : To get back to its original form,
Make a new batch file with any name and type
“ren Anything.{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} Anything” .

Monday, January 21, 2013

Easily Repair & Fix Windows 7 & Vista problems with FixWin Utility

Easily Repair & Fix Windows 7 & Vista problems with FixWin Utility

is a handy portable tool that will offer you the possibility to repair common Windows issues.I have written articles about Fixing Windows Problem with Microsoft Fix it CenterRepair Your Windows Xp Online With Reimage.Give a try for FixWin also.
While there were several tutorials and how-to’s already available on the Internet to deal with such annoyances, FixWin as a single utility was conceptualized, to fix some of the common annoyances which may be faced by a Windows vista & Windows 7 user.
Some of the problems & fix solution provided by “Fixwin Utility”
  1. Recycle bin icon missing from desktop
  2. Reset or fixes folder view settings to default, when folders are showing different command bar and controls than content.
  3. Games Explorer is not working or unable to open Games Explorer folder.
  4. Enables folder option.(Click here for solution)
  5. Fixes show hidden files,folders & drives.
  6. Restore the windows sidebar.
  7. Fixes Recycle Bin icon, when it doesn’t refresh automatically.
  8. Explorer.exe won’t start at boot in windows.
  9. CD drive or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by windows or other programs.
  10. Thumbnails not working in windows explorer.
The solutions to repair and fix 50 common Windows annoyances, issues & problems have been categorized under 5 tabs,
  • Windows Explorer,
  • Internet & Connectivity,
  • Windows Media,
  • System Tools &
  • Misc Additional Fixes.

e-Speaking: Control Your PC Through Your Voice

Speech and Voice Recognition
An easy software solution to enable you to control your computer, dictate emails and letters, and have the computer read documents back to you. e-Speaking – Voice Recognition software using your voice to command and control your computer. Reduce or eliminate mouse clicks or keyboard input. Use it to enhance your computing experience by providing an additional input to the computer.
10 Reasons for Trying e-Speaking’s Software
1. Free Download of software
2. Over 100 commands built-in
3. Ability to add more commands
4. Runs in Windows2000 and Windows XP
5. Small file size
6. Utilizes latest technologies from Microsoft
7. Seamlesly integrate with Office
8. Voice commands of Mouse events
9. Based on SAPI and .NET technologies
10. Easy to Use
What is Speech Recognition & Voice Recognition?
Speech and Voice Recognition Computer
These are exciting technologies that change the way you interact with your computer. Now you can speak to your computer and it can speak back. The speech that you and your computer exchange is scripted. In other words, you can’t just ask your computer how he/she is feeling? Rather, you can talk to your computer using a set of pre-defined commands and instructions (i.e., a script). Your computer will respond in the same way (also using a scripted language). For example, you can say: “File Open”, and the computer would respond: “Select the file”. Or you can say: “Edit Find” and the computer would ask: “Find What?”.
Download : e-Speaking Software (Shareware)

How to Change the Title Bar Caption of the Command Prompt

Today lets see a simple trick with windows command prompt.Most of you might have know how to change Title bar text of command prompt.This post is for newbies to windows.By default you can see default path of cmd.exe in windows title bar.
You can open multiple command prompts and give different titles for each command window.Cool isn’t it?
The syntax is,
title “Your Text”


5 Useful Command Prompt Tricks for Easy Operation

There are two ways to work in Windows Operating System i.e GUI(Graphical USer Interface) and CUI(Command User Interface).In this post lets see the importance of Command Prompt and how to make it simpler to use.MS-DOS gives you complete control over what your computer does :) .

1. Command Prompt History

Many does not know that windows command prompt got history.Just press F7 to display the list of commands entered during the current session. Use the arrow keys to select and command from the list you want to run.
CMD Prompt History

2. Full Screen Mode

What to work full screen in Ms-Dos? Just hit ALT+ENTER key for full screen mode.Use the same shortcut to exit full screen.If you wish to close CMD Prompt type Exit and hit Enter.

3.Drag and Drop to enter file path

This is another cool feature of CMD Prompt.We usually type Cd(Change Dirtectory) command to navigate to different locations.
If you are lazy bug like me ;)  simply drag folders into the command window and release it to automatically enter the path of the application. :) Cool Isn’t it?

4. Copy and Paste Text into CMD

You can’t simpley do Copy and Paste operation in CMD with Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V shortcut keys. You can however copy text from other applications, right click on the command prompt windows under Edit click Paste.
To copy text from the command prompt. First right-click inside the command prompt window and go to Edit and click on Mark. Now drag a box around the text you want to copy. The selected text will get highlighted.Again right click CMD Window and go to Edit and click copy.

5. Stylish Command Prompt

Everybody likes to work in a stylish environment.You can use Tansparent/Glass Command Prompt For Xp and Vista ;) Checkout this post to know more :)

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