Thursday, February 23, 2012

Keep Protect Your FaceBook and Twitter Privacy

Surfing the web no longer a solo activity. Facebook, Twitter, and other social networks have quickly become an integral part of the online culture, and with them comes an array of serious threats to your privacy. In this article, I’ll identify some of the key dangers of social networking and offer a few easy steps that you can take to stay safe online. Social networking is built on the idea of sharing information openly and fostering a sense of community. Unfortunately, an online network of individuals who actively share their experiences and seek connections with other like-minded people can be easy prey for hackers engaged in social engineering and phishing attacks. It’s important to be aware of the threats and to use discretion in all of your online interactions.

Take Care Before You Share Online
For starters, even in an open community of sharing, you should observe commonsense boundaries. As President Obama warned students in his September address to schools, “be careful what you post on Facebook. Whatever you do, it will be pulled up again later somewhere in your life.” The core truth of that statement can be applied to any social networking site, and possibly to the Internet as a whole. As a general rule, refrain from posting things online that you will regret later. The odds are good that someone, someday, will stumble across it, and it may come back to haunt you— especially if you are planning to run for public office. If you think that abstaining from posting embarrassing or inflammatory comments online ruins the fun, you’re playing a dangerous game. Remember who your friends are, and know that a friend of a friend can be an enemy.

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